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Technologies in the


II. Digital transformation

The revolution that is driving change in current processes to take advantage of the benefits of technologies.

III. Social technologies

Inclusion and equality that allows technology to generate benefits for all humans.

IV. Data economics

The so-called new oil of the digital era. The value it generates for organizations and the relationships that position a company as a leader in this era. 

4. Computación Cuántica

Paradigma computacional emergente basada en qubits

VI. Cybersecurity

Techniques to protect digital assets and recognition of the main cyber threats.

6. Cloud Computing

Internet technology that empowers disruptive technologies.  

IX. Internet of things

A technology that fills the world with sensors and actuators capable of collecting data in any situation, in addition to the ability to automate processes and tasks.

8. Big Data y Ciencia de datos

Techniques that allow the analysis and use of data to improve decision making in organizations.

XI. Artificial intelligence

Technologies that accelerate business processes and automate decision making.

10. Robótica

Hardware and software robots. 

XIII. Virtual and augmented reality

In the coming years these technologies will enhance new experiences, new ways of learning and experimenting.  

12. Metaverso

One of the technologies that will most change the landscape of society and the economy in the next decade.   

13. Blockchain

It is the technology of truth, it allows to create trust in Internet transactions, it empowers cryptocurrencies and the validation of digital assets.


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Profesionales 100% calificados ofrecerán un recorrido de la tecnología aplicada a los negocios.